About Sylvia Worsham


My Freedom from Fear & Journey to Joy

Hard work and integrity were central to my Mexican upbringing in South Texas. My dad spent every waking hour working to provide his three children and wife with a financially wealthy life. I learned at a young age that “To be worthy, I must achieve perfectly.”

It’s understandable my programming led me to work in Corporate America, a prime breeding ground for perfectionists and high achievers like me. The golden shackles of the pharmaceutical sales world kept me striving for more.

At the young age of 24, I married my first husband, 12 years my senior, despite my gut telling me no. From the outside, our lives looked picture perfect—the corporate wife, the business owner husband, and a happy son—the ideal family, living in a prominent neighborhood. We attended Catholic church every Sunday.

In 2007, after years of receiving rejections, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, my company for the last eight years, promoted me to a higher-level position. The senior vice president and regional manager held insurmountable expectations to turn around my underperforming hospital sales territory that was second to last in a region within six months of my placement. A couple of months after, my husband of nearly 10 years, asked for a divorce.

My soul felt a pull to use change as the catalyst to gain a deeper awareness of my faith in God. Even though I grew up attending Catholic schools, I didn’t have a relationship with Him. I felt a disconnect to the religion after my divorce since they frowned on it. In all my years as a Catholic, I never knew how to talk or pray to God.

In April 2009, nine months after my husband asked for a divorce, 300 of my Pfizer Pharmaceuticals peers listened intently to me as I stood on stage and recounted how my sales territory landed in the number one spot in the region. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, and, yet, I felt guilty and ashamed for the long hours I’d put in.

In retrospect, it's evident how my subconscious programming played a role in downplaying my joy and fulfillment. My Catholic and Mexican upbringing taught me that a woman could not have it all unless she sacrificed something. This belief was not mine but became my truth and compounded the more I thought and acted on it.

Three years later, I received three miracles within 72 hours which awakened me to the life I live today. Facing death was the greatest blessing I ever received from God. My health turning point propelled me toward discovering why God granted me a second chance. Six months after nearly dying, I took the leap of faith, moved to Austin, with my young son, and married my second husband.

In 2017, as a stay-at-home parent, to two kids, God prompted me to join the John Maxwell team as a Speaker, Coach and Trainer. As the pandemic hit Austin, in March 2020, another prompting from Him made its way to my awareness, to write and publish my first book. In October 2021, I became a published author to Journey to Me: Trust the Wisdom of Change. For the next two years, I collaborated on multiple writing projects and hit International Best-Selling status.

What God taught me through the wisdom of change was that when I lovingly surrendered to the promptings of my heart and acted on His timing, he led me out of my fear and ego and towards my soul’s desires where joy and fulfillment patiently waited for me. My transformation took me from a perfectionist who felt insignificant unless she achieved something to a worthy and gifted author, speaker, and coach who knows her value and boldly lives her passion daily.

"One-of-a-kind experience filled with laughter, AHA! moments and reflection. She has a special way of taking who we are and giving us back a better version of ourselves. I am forever grateful."
John A.
"Sylvia was amazing! Her coaching really helped me understand unconscious patterns in my life that have held me back from so much personal and professional growth. I think everyone would benefit from her coaching and can’t recommend her enough!"
Jordan C.
"I was a hot mess when Sylvia started to coach me... It took time to see how I failed to listen to my God instincts for so many years, because I doubted and misunderstood the prompting in my heart. She helped me through one of the most challenging transitions of my life... and now I am living the life I wanted to live. I am emerging into the woman and life God created for me."
Joyce G.

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